April 20, 2021

Career Advice for Young Professionals

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For many people, a successful career doesn’t always lead to career happiness. There are a number of explanations for this disconnect, including ultra-driven and ambitious personalities, Imposter Syndrome and the feeling that you and your work are unnoticed or under-appreciated.

In this episode of B2B Nation, we talk to Terry McDougall, a former corporate marketer who today runs her own business as an executive and career coach. Terry is also the author of Winning the Game of Work: Career Happiness and Success on Your Own Terms.

Terry’s goal when working with her clients is to offer them career advice that helps shift their mindsets and learn new skills so they can enjoy more success with less effort.

RELATED EPISODE: Ways to Deal with Burnout in Marketing

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Episode Guide

2:24: Motivations for moving from corporate marketing to coaching and career advice.
5:40: The impact of our own high expectations on career happiness.
10:50: How to overcome Imposter Syndrome.
16:13: Balancing career and personal happiness early in your career.
17:52: The three ways to add value in the workplace.
21:07: What is the life that you want? How do you get it?
23:12: The connection between remote work and career satisfaction.
29:47: What does Terry miss most about corporate marketing?
32:14: What is the one tool you cannot work without?

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