June 28, 2022

How Content Marketing Done Right Drives Your Revenue Organization

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Content marketing is more than distributing thought leadership and offering eBook downloads to attract leads. Your organization’s content can continue to serve your revenue organization (and your customers) as they interact with your sales and customer success teams.

But your content can’t serve anyone if your team doesn’t know where to find it or can’t be reasonably sure it’s up to date and on-brand.

Sales enablement plays a pivotal role in making sure the entire revenue organization has the tools and content it needs, And when it’s working, the right content, at the right time, for the right customer or prospect helps create those “these people get me” feeling we all aim to achieve.

RELATED EPISODE: Does Your Sales Enablement Match the Modern B2B Experience?

In this episode of B2B Nation, we talk to Nikki Dawson, head of EMEA marketing for sales enablement platform Highspot. Nikki discusses how it is that as much as 70 percent of the content organizations create goes to waste, what’s working in demand gen for Nikki and her colleagues around the world, and how marketing, sales, and sales enablement can better work together in an effective revenue organization.

Take your marketing to a new frontier with resources from B2B Nation from TechnologyAdvice.

Episode Guide

2:17: Investing in and creating content is just the first challenge
5:14: How is Highspot helping its customers solve sales enablement challenges?
7:58: What’s working for Nikki’s team in their demand gen efforts?
9:00: How do different marketing tactics perform in different global regions?
10:40: What is Nikki’s favorite tool (other than Highspot)?

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