How to Track Leads From Marketing to Sales | TechnologyAdvice
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How to Track Leads From Marketing to Sales

Improve Your Lead to Cash Flow and Calculate Your Return on Marketing Investment

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Marketers may track a lead with hawk-like precision for weeks, only to see it drop off the radar the moment it’s delivered to sales. Multiply that by hundreds or thousands of leads per month, and you have a serious problem.

Many CMOs still rely on guesswork and vanity metrics to coordinate marketing initiatives with the needs of the sales team. They have no reporting mechanism for tracking MQLs, and therefore no visibility. The sales reps know which leads convert, but only on a case-by-case basis — and they don’t relay conversion information back to the marketing team.

This creates some disadvantages for marketers. For starters, they never know how much revenue their programs are generating. According to a recent survey by Teradata, 75 percent of marketers have trouble calculating ROMI (return on marketing investment).

In this guide, we’ll discuss the advantages of end-to-end lead management and provide a framework for tracking leads after they move to sales.