How To Find Decision Makers | TechnologyAdvice
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How To Find Decision Makers

A guide to navigating titles and gathering company data

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Finding decision makers can cost sales representatives hours out of every week, and this is especially true for SaaS sales teams. You have to overcome several roadblocks just to do your jobs, including:

  • Navigating a highly diverse field with unpredictable and sometimes nonsense role names (we’re looking at you, Rand Fishkin, Wizard of Moz)
  • Gaining visibility into corporate structure and relative stakeholder importance
  • Gatekeepers who stonewall, just because of the caller’s sales title

But prospecting for stakeholders doesn’t have to be difficult. Today’s tech proliferation brings more data to our fingertips than some of us know what to do with, but it also brings great prospecting tools. How you use those tools can make a big difference in your productivity.

Here are our tips, with a little help from TechnologyAdvice sales executives, on the best ways to find decision makers.