Function Fox vs. Smartsheet

Basecamp vs. Smartsheet

Find the best PM software for your business. We help narrow it down by comparing Basecamp vs. Smartsheet.

Managing your tasks and projects is easier with today’s project management (PM) software. There are many PM tools on the market today that will help you automate your tasks and keep track of your projects. If you want to change the way you manage your PM process, Function Fox or Smartsheet might be what you need.

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Function Fox vs. Smartsheet: Software overview

Function Fox is a simple project management software that offers a reliable solution for automating tasks. This tool is designed to help you keep track of your entire project lifecycle from conception to delivery with the help of its time tracking, invoicing, and budget tracking features. With Function Fox, you can optimize your project management skills with the help of its robust features.

Smartsheet is a cloud-based software that focuses on project management, file sharing, and collaboration. This tool is highly regarded for its high-value work processes and professional services that it offers. With Smartsheet, you can plan, track, and automate your projects with the help of its reliable speed and accountability.

Benefits of Function Fox vs. Smartsheet

Function Fox and Smartsheet provide benefits to keep in mind when making your comparison. These benefits are just some of the positive outputs both PM software provides.

Function Fox:

  • Function Fox enables its users to look back at a project’s history to help you make the necessary corrections and adjustments.
  • It allows users to monitor the time an employee spends on a project and record each action the employee makes.
  • Function Fox will help you keep your projects on track, on time, and within the budget by allowing you to customize your dashboard.
  • It helps you stay on top of your entire project lifecycle with its real time notifications and workflow management feature.
  • Function Fox is designed to streamline all your business’s processes from budget tracking to deadline estimation.


  • Smartsheet is easy to set up and easy to share with other groups or sets of users with its collaborative file sharing and discussions feature.
  • The API is clear and has a user-friendly interface that allows you to access numerous integrations.
  • Smartsheet provides you with a drag and drop feature that allows you to move rows around quickly.
  • This PM tool allows you to access your tasks and projects from any browser or device with its well rounded supported platforms.
  • Smartsheet effectively combines the use of a spreadsheet with its visual timeline management and data visualization features.

Similar features of Function Fox vs. Smartsheet

Project management tools are designed to help you manage your tasks and projects by automating the most time-consuming part of your processes. Function Fox and Smartsheet each have their own set of unique features that can help you achieve that goal. 

Activity dashboard

Function Fox’s activity dashboard feature allows you to view all your active projects on your dashboard. This feature will help you keep your projects on track, on time, and within the budget by allowing you to customize your dashboard. With Function Fox’s activity dashboard, you can improve your workflow by focusing on the important projects on hand.

Smartsheet’s activity dashboard feature elevates your program’s visibility with its enhanced visualization and reporting tool. With this feature, you can proactively chart your vision of your projects from start to finish through their strategic plan dashboard. With Smartsheet’s activity dashboard feature, you can improve your collaboration with your teammates by providing them with a vision of your strategic plan.

Task management 

Function Fox’s task management feature enables its users to look back at a project’s history to help its users make the necessary corrections and adjustments. This feature makes it easy for new managers and team members to manage previous projects by viewing its history. With Function Fox’s task management feature, new users can access previous works without any hustle or delay.

Smartsheet’s task management feature gives you a powerful end-to-end work execution platform that allows you to plan and execute projects. This platform maps out all your tasks and active projects for you and your team to see. With Smartsheet, you can speed up your decision-making with its interactive map of tasks and projects.

Which PM software should you choose? 

If you’re still undecided about which PM tool you’ll choose, we’ll give you a hand in solving that problem.

If you’re looking for a PM software that allows you to view all of your active projects and its details on your dashboard then we suggest you choose Function Fox. With Function Fox’s activity dashboard feature, you can keep your projects on track, on time, and within the budget by allowing you to customize your dashboard to prioritize your important tasks.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a PM tool that gives you a powerful end-to-end work execution platform that allows you to plan and execute projects then we suggest you try Smartsheet. With Smartsheet’s task management feature, you can speed up your decision-making with its interactive map of tasks and projects.

For more PM tools, make sure to check out our website. Use our Product Selection Tool to get a shortlist of recommendations based on your feature requirements. 

Further Reading

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