Basecamp vs. Huddle

Basecamp vs. Huddle

Find the best PM software for your business. We help narrow it down by comparing Basecamp vs. Huddle.

Times change, and they change quickly. So does the way we do business, work, and socialize in 2020. The year has led us to think of ways to remain productive amidst the challenges of community quarantine and social distancing. But there are jobs that can be done remotely — and sometimes businesses need only the right tools to track productivity and keep the workforce organized. Basecamp and Huddle are two of the many productivity and collaboration platforms that answer the call of the times. 

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Basecamp vs. Huddle

Both Basecamp and Huddle offer productivity tools that allow people to collaborate on projects and accomplish assigned tasks on schedule.  Working in the office, from home, or remotely elsewhere is not a limitation as long as they’re connected to the web-based platform. 

Basecamp offers an all-in-one toolkit designed for working remotely. If your team is composed of members from different locations and time zones, Basecamp provides you with the tools to manage your project. Since its early development 20 years ago, Basecamp has been working remotely with offices scattered in 26 cities across the world.  

Huddle is a cloud-based productivity, document collaboration, and communication platform first released in 2006 and founded in London. It works well both in an office setting and remotely. Huddle securely connects your teams, partners, and clients to collaborate on projects. It is popular in the UK, with 80% of the country’s central government departments using the platform. 

Simplifying processes and communications  

Basecamp keeps the processes of managing projects, communications, and the sharing of files and documents simplified. It lets you break down your work into individual projects. Each project you create has all the needed tools and data organized in one place, and it’s easily accessible by each member of the team. It gives you flexibility, as you can connect with the platform and your team anywhere you are and on any device to ensure you get the work done. You can track your project’s status, organize and edit feedback, and monitor tasks and schedules. On the message board, you can post announcements, make a to-do list, set due dates, or pitch ideas. 

The processes in collaborating to produce documents with Huddle are simplified, and the workflows are streamlined. It allows you to create a secure workspace to collaborate with your team, partners, and clients seamlessly as everything is organized and accessible by everyone. Huddle lets every member of your team stay on the same page. You can create tasks and documents, assign document approvals, monitor the activities and communications on the document, and share or request a file. It has government-grade security to ensure no outside party can steal your sensitive information.   

Customizing the platform for remote work

Basecamp simplifies and organizes everything your remote team needs. You can customize each project and all the platform’s tools to fit your needs, working style, and preferences. It allows you more room for creativity in setting your digital workspace in a remote work setting. All information is accessible by everyone, notifications are automated, and communications and file-sharing are secure. It also features a customizable check-in questions board, so you know what’s on everyone’s mind or what project they are doing. 

It is easy and simple to customize Huddle’s dashboard and beautiful shareable workspace. All your project planning, management, and communication tools are neatly organized in one place. You can manage documents, revisions, approvals, and discussions in the workspace. Huddle lets you work across teams located in different places — office-based and remote — and in different time zones. 

Collaborating with teams 

With Basecamp, team collaboration is made simple and fun. You can connect and communicate with your team securely and efficiently. It requires fewer meetings, so everyone can focus on the tasks at hand. Every detail you need for the project is in the right place, and it provides you the tools to get things done on or ahead of the schedule. It also lets you view your entire project at a glance, letting you see the big picture.

Collaborating with teams with Huddle is easy, too, and communication is secure. It has all the tools you need for producing documents and working with your teams. Everyone can access the workspace and make changes to the documents. They can have conversations and discuss as a team without the risk of leaking important and sensitive data to the public or third-party entities. Huddle’s platform keeps every communication and conversation records securely in the right place. 

Integrating third-party tools

Basecamp runs on iOS, Android, Mac, and PC, and you can integrate other platforms into the system including Project Buddy, Pleexy,, TaskClone, MinterApp, Ganttify, Zapier, Twitter,, and Calamari. 

Huddle, on the other hand, runs on Windows and Mac operating systems, and it integrates other productivity tools such as Microsoft Office and Office Online. 

Conclusion: Basecamp or Huddle? 

It depends on your situation or business needs. Basecamp is best for people working remotely as software developers, designers, freelancers, agencies, or consultants, while Huddle is best for document creators working both office-based or remotely. One advantage of Huddle is its secure communications, the reason why most of its clients are government departments and offices. 

If you’re still undecided about which productivity and collaboration software to choose, using our Product Selection Tool will do the trick. 

Further Reading

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